This device seems to work as well. The meter readings do diminish significantly when in place.
How Does DefenderShield Work?
The advanced, patent pending DefenderShield® technology blocks Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) radiation emitted by laptop, tablet and cell phone components such as processors, hard drives, memory and other parts. DefenderShield also blocks higher frequency Radio Frequency (RF) radiation emissions transmitted by the electronic devices that connect to WiFi or cellular services for internet access, data transfers or voice calls. Our technology uses three separate non-toxic, human-safe layers of exotic materials processed for maximum radiation blocking efficiency. Each material has unique and targeted radiation shielding characteristics designed to work in unison to virtually eliminate all radiation emissions from 0-10 GHz. DefenderShield technology refracts, conducts and finally absorbs all these potentially harmful emissions Modern science knows of no other way of shielding this broad spectrum range of radiation from devices such as laptops, tablets and cell phones, without utilizing a multi-layer solution.
Why is this important?
No other independently-tested shielding solution blocks both Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) and Radio Frequency (RF) radiation with this level of effectiveness like DefenderShield.
How does this relate to health dangers?
Body cells are affected and damage occurs from both of these Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs). If your EMF protection does not shield both emissions, you may only be protected from one, but still exposed to the health dangers of the other radiation. You need to shield yourself from both ELF and RF radiation. DefenderShield has you covered. Even better, the high quality and exquisitely handcrafted DefenderShield EMF radiation protection cases not only provide EMF shielding to our bodies, but also provide protection for our devices. Yes, your body is protected and so are your devices.
It all boils down to this:
DefenderShield solutions are great for on the go, travel, business and school. Whether you are chatting with a friend on your cell phone, playing a game on your tablet, or just working on your laptop, you can have peace of mind anywhere, knowing DefenderShield solutions are helping to protect from potentially harmful EMF radiation emissions.